Health Tip #58


Article to come…


Health Tips Introduction


Hello and welcome to my Health Tips!

Many of the tips you’ll find in this collection are ones you have probably heard before.  It often takes us hearing something several times and presented in different ways before we are ready to take action on the information we’ve heard.  Think of this collection as gentle reminders to do the best for yourself.  I am hoping to present the information to you in very easy and do-able steps.    We will start out with the most basic tips and gradually increase in complexity.  We will even spiral back on some of the tips we’ve mentioned earlier, adding depth each time around.

Some of the tips will resonate with you and some won’t.  Don’t worry about the ones that don’t.  Do what works for you and leave the rest.  Guilt free!

What I am hoping most to impress upon you is the need to just relax and enjoy the steps you are taking toward better health.  You absolutely cannot stress yourself into better health.

I want to start out the new year with really just getting back to basics because if you’ve got the basics you’re well on your way to a healthier you.  Things like just remembering to eat real food, drink pure water, focus on the good, let go of what hasn’t been so good,  take time to just breathe, get good sleep, and don’t take it all too seriously.

Remember through this process to praise yourself often for all the good things you do to care for yourself.  The fact that you’re reading this right now means you are making positive steps toward better self-care.

Consistency is the key.  Aristotle is quoted as saying, “…we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act but a habit.”  Choose just one, two or eventually a handful of tips to integrate into your lifestyle and do those things with consistency.

I wish you all the best on your health journey!


Click here for the first of my health tips.










Health Tip #1

health-tip-1cWhy?  Why do you make health and weight loss resolutions every year?  If you don’t have a strong enough why, you are not likely to see your resolutions through.  Your why is as individual as you are but whatever that why is, make it a good one!

Your why could be because:

  • You want to be as healthy as you can, to be there for your family. If you’re not feeling well, it is hard to show up and be your best for those you love.
  • As the years tick by, you realize you don’t want to be a burden to your family and you want to take responsibility for your well being so they don’t have to.
  • You’ve come to the realization that by loving and caring for yourself first, you have so much more to offer and so much more strength to draw from.
  • Your medicine cabinet is beginning to look like a pharmacy and you’re taking one medication to manage the side effects of another and so on and so on. Maybe you’ve decided you want to get to the real root of the problem.
  • Maybe you or a loved one have had a scary diagnosis or a close call that has made you rethink how you care for yourself on a daily basis.

You can even create a why if you can’t find a strong enough motivator.  Sign up for something that’s going to keep you accountable.  Sign up for a fitness program with a set goal date or sign yourself up for an upcoming running race.

Whatever your why, start a wellness journal and write it down.  Keep that why in front of you and remind yourself of it often.  Collect images of what you will look like and feel like when you reach that goal and keep them in your journal.  Daily visualize yourself having reached that goal and feel how it feels now that you’re there.

Health Tip #2